Greenledge provides outsourced development of systems solutions to industries which undergo compelling and continual business transformations / innovations by increasing exploitation of the Internet. These industries which are largely unaddressed by commodity ERP applications, include: 

Media & Entertainment
Financial Services, Banking, and Insurance



With the multitude of participants including doctors, pharmacists, drug manufacturers, hospitals, distributors, labs, patients, government, insurance and other special interest groups, health care applications are inherently multi-enterprise. By its very nature, the healthcare industry is of such high importance to consumers that community applications blossom as patients, doctors and other groups get together. It is here that global cause applications are most required. With government regulation requiring higher levels of tracking, the health care industry is uniquely positioned to support the emerging e-hub.

Media & Entertainment


The major driver of change in the media and entertainment sectors is the convergence of broadband and broadcast. The Internet is reshaping the very structure of these industries and throwing up incredible opportunities. At the intersection of content and technology, several intriguing business models are evolving that empower the artist and the consumer, while rewriting the economics of the music industry in the short term and potentially the television and movie industry in the medium term. Wealth of new applications that span enterprises, consumers and media in general are being created and will revolutionize these industries. 



Greenledge offers top of the line industry solutions to the retail industry, which will enable better integration with suppliers, retailers and business processes, both on-line and off-line.

Solutions to the retail segment include Auctions, Group buying, Gift Registers, setting up e-Retail malls, and various other services that will create real-time “Buyer-Driven Commerce”.  Solutions to off-line retail segments include Inter-collaboration, Intra-collaboration, Integration with suppliers, Merchandizing, Real-time information to supply chain partners, Dynamic marketing, Anytime inventory information, Stock keeping, Third-party supplier integration, and SKU invoicing, all across multi layers of business process. Solutions architects deploy proven software development methodologies coupled with the integration of re-usable components to provide complete solutions to the retail industry.

Financial Services, Banking, and Insurance


The Internet has clearly changed the face of the financial services sector the world over.  Today, customers not only have a wide choice of suppliers, but they also have more choices when it comes to the manner in which these services are delivered. As a result, finance service providers must compete for their customers by creating new innovative business processes and enriching the customer experience. Such rapid change mandates the introduction of new systems at an unprecedented pace. 

Outsourced solutions serving the financial industry and crossover market areas include Online banking, Insurance, Asset management, Brokerage and securities, Bill Payment, and Payment Gateways.  Greenledge clients can expect innovative, industry specific solutions that enhance revenues and customer satisfaction.